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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance August 30, 2009

Posted by pcorcoran in Books, Personal, Technology.
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I am re-reading Robert Pursig’s “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” almost exactly 20 years after I first read it. I’m finding it just as profound and transcendental now as I remember it being then. (I can say this about very few things which moved me deeply 20 years ago). There are passages in the book where I feel like they were written *just for me* to discover.

It was written in 1974. But even though he opines greatly on the effects that rapid technological changes have upon modern society, I don’t feel like the essence of his message is in any way anachronistic. Amazing.

There are so many great passages, so many brilliant quotes that if I sent them all to each of the people who I feel most needs to hear them, I’d end up quoting about half the book. Maybe I’ll just end up quoting a few here and there every now and then….